EIVA uses currently a hardware protection key from Wibu-key to configure which part of the software can be used.

A dongle can either be LPT (rather rare these days) or USB, and will be equipped with a EIVA system number (Asset number (A/N) marked on dongle or key hanger) and a serial number burned into the firmware of the key.

A series of A/N will be seen

01.27.xxxNaviScan (can also run on the old grey keys - KeyPro)
01.30.xxxWinXXX Sw – ScanFish, WinArop etc.
01.34.xxxNaviModel and NaviPlot (Old NaviChart)
01.37.xxxContour / Patch Test
01.39.xxxNaviPac TUG's (Dedicated for TUG boats in TMS)
01.31.xxxGeneral EIVA SW
01.41.xxx and onwards General EIVA SW

Dongles can be marked time limited, especially used for subscription licenses (1 year at the time) and out of service (if SMS hasn't been signed). In those cases a previous valid dongle will stop working. 

Dongle flag

A dongle is equipped with 10 flag, which can be seen via Control Panel, Wibu key:

The flags may only be changed by EIVA, and are protected against changes.
Parameter 1 includes a bit pattern, which signals if a program may be executed or not.
4=> Contour & Patch test (No longer dongle protected)
8=>NaviModel – supports also NaviPlot, NaviChart & Imaging
32 => NaviModel – supports also NaviPlot, NaviChart & Imaging
64 =>Oceanographic SW – WinArop, ScanFish Flight etc.
128 => QuickStich
256 =>Imaging (Also covered by 32) (No longer supported)
512 =>Special TMS add-on - upgrades full NaviPac to barge.
1024 => Flag for Online 3D Monitor (No longer dongle protected)

If the value for example is 17, then it will work with NaviPac and NaviScan.
Rental and demonstration/course dongles will be equipped with the flag 255 -> ASO (all suite on)
Parameter 10 must include the last part of the serial number – and is used as a control code. If set to 16282011 then it's a dedicated office dongle which can't be used for field jobs.
The remaining 8 parameters are used differently in the various programs.


  1. NaviPac type 1 Lite – parameter 3-9 is not used 2 User defined See parameter 3-9.

4 Single user - Kuda.10 Full – Ser parameter 3. 4-9 is not used

  1. If Full NaviPac 1 Include TMS/RigMove Barge module2 TMS TUG moduleIf User defined NPNumber of surface navigation systems (default 2)
  2. If User defined NPNumber of Gyros (default 1)
  3. If User defined NPNumber of motion sensors (default 0)
  4. If User defined NPNumber of remote & UW systems (default 0)
  5. If User defined NPNumber of special inputs (default 0)
  6. If User defined NPNumber of data acquisition sensors (echo sounders, magnetometers etc.) (Default 1)
  7. If User defined NPNumber of data outputs (default 1 = annotation)


  1. NaviEdit Type 1Lite – parameter 3-9 unusedorFull – See parameter 3, 4-9 unused


10If set to 16282111 then it indicates a special Laurel OEM dongle. It will be reduced to only interfacing MBE/SS from R2Sonic and L3 

NaviModel and NaviPlot

  1. SW Type 1 Analyser – parameter 3-9 unused4UCA Exacavation – parameter 3-9 unusedor Producer – See parameter 3, 4-9 unused
  2. Bit pattern for special settings1Include 3D Pipe module

2Include Scalgo S/CAN cleaning and EC-3D
4Include EC-3D cleaning

Oceanographic SW ScanFish Flight: No special settings

WinArop:Code 2 must be 10 


  1. SW Type 1Planning – parameter 3-9 unused10Full – parameter 3-9 unused

Networked Dongles

It is possible to use NaviEdit and NaviModel in a server license

A network dongle may look like this 


Field 1-3 and 10 is like any other dongle.

Field 5 and 7 is always 99

Field 6 is number of users minus 1 

Software codes - backdoor

If an accident happens and a dongle gets corrupt, the port is down or the dongle are loss for some reason, then the EIVA SW offers a SW key (a backdoor), which offers a temporary solution. Please refer to a special guide on this.