Q. How can I create and access my account on the EIVA Freshdesk portal?
A. You can create and access your account on EIVA Freshdesk portal by accessing this page: Support : EIVA Support and click on Sign up or Log in.
The FAQs, guides, manuals etc can be accessed without an account.
To create an account press on the SIGN UP button and enter your name and email address as shown below and follow the instructions afterwards to setup a password from the activation link:
If you already have an account just press the LOGIN button. In your account you can do the following:
1. Raise a new ticket or check ticket status.
You can display your tickets by clicking on All tickets button and select one of the following options: All tickets, Open or Pending or Resolved or Closed.
If your account has been added to a company, you can also see the tickets raised by your company (please note this requires to send us an email to support@eiva.com to enable this feature)
2. Edit your profile and change the password
Please note, if you directly write to support@eiva.com an account will be created for you by default. You will receive an email for the account activation as shown here:
After you setup your password you can login and do what is described above.