Q. The Kongsberg NMEA format $PSMIMSSB can be used in many combinations - which do NaviPac support?
A. The NaviPac driver (HPR 410/HiPAP) supports the $PSIMSSB in the relative mode - meaning that it must be reading dX/dY/dZ from the unit.
The format is:
Field | Name | Explanation |
$ | Start_character | |
PSIMSSB | Address | The address for the SSBL sentence |
,hhmmss.ss | Time | The real time of the measurement. Given as hour, minutes and seconds. The time format is either local time or UTC time, depending on the selection in the menu. |
,cc__ | Tp_code | Examples: B01, B33, B47 |
,A | Status | A for OK and V for not OK |
,cc__ | Error_code | Empty or a three character error code. |
,a | Coordinate_system | C for Cartesian, P for polar, U for UTM coordinates, R for radians |
,a | Orientation | H for vessel head up, N for north, E for East |
,a | SW_ filter | M means Measured, F Filtered, P Predicted |
,x.x | X_coordinate | See separate explanation below. |
,x.x | Y_coordinate | See separate explanation below. |
,x.x | Depth | Depth [m} |
,x.x | Expected_accuracy | The expected accuracy of the position |
,a | Additional info | N for none, C compass, I inclinometer, D for depth, T for Time from transponder to transducer, V for velocity. |
,x.x | First_add_value | Depended on additinoal value |
,x.x | Second_add_value | Empty or Tp y inclination |
*hh | Checksum | Empty or checksum |
CRLF | Termination |
NaviPac expects:
Status must be A
Coordinate_system must be C (Cartesian) or P (Polar)
Orientation must be H (Vessel up) or N (North Up)
The recomended solution is C+H.