Q. How can I merge specific file formats into NaviEdit?

A. The NaviEdit JobPlanner gives you these options to import improved navigation:

Here are some examples:

The Applanix POSProc format is binary.

The Standard format is show below:

20100309 18:30:39.572 518010.142 9304127.345 32.41

20100309 18:30:41.577 518010.120 9304127.880 32.64

20100309 18:30:43.730 518010.182 9304128.141 32.27

The TerraPos is as show below:

# Year Month Day Sec lat lon h Slat Slon Sh Rlatlon Rlath Rlonh NSVs HDOP VDOP RelHor RelVert Qh Qv Flag

2008 3 7 62566.0000 60.646782564 4.843832431 -25.347 0.0330 0.0436 0.0400 0.7341 0.0598 -0.1359 11 0.9 1.6 0.1783 0.2665 4 4 0

2008 3 7 62596.0000 60.646831849 4.843827914 -25.374 0.0331 0.0434 0.0401 0.7325 0.0407 -0.1573 11 0.9 1.6 0.1636 0.2638 4

There are two different NavLab attitude formats holding the same kind of data: Time, Roll, Pitch and Heading.


Time Lat in radian Long in radian Depth

1179179101.202228 1.134059548584164 0.1130091400934067 349.1989770603225

1179179101.212228 1.134059548590442 0.1130091401345929 349.1981643081281

1179179101.342228 1.13405954868927 0.1130091406777251 349.1875707807051

1179179102.222315 1.134059550244797 0.1130091442680535 349.1117743652447

1179179102.242315 1.134059550299165 0.1130091443501166 349.1100613551961

NavLab attitude example where time is in Unix seconds since January 1970, Roll, Pitch and Heading are in radians:

DateTime Roll Pitch Heading

1190298114.823055 -0.04050300724912648 0.006884977228270248 1.007963587561706

NavLab Calendar position:

Date Time Lat Long Dummy

20070920 142154.823055 65.01429519111692 6.437627548707974 23.84332310590744

20070920 142154.873055 65.01429515526093 6.437627379555112 23.88026390948552

20070920 142154.893055 65.01429514048549 6.437627311110373 23.89501717708075

NavLab Calendar Attitude where time is YearMonthDay HourMinSeconds.Microseconds, Roll, Pitch and Heading are in degrees:

Date Time Roll Pitch Heading

20070920 142154.823055 -2.320651372962725 0.3944801372235648 57.75205947015098

20070920 142154.873055 -2.299895308547862 0.4844076610915628 57.81695278908815

20070920 142154.893055 -2.290077959438574 0.5191155733710812 57.8427047948927

The IXSEA Delph Ins format is as below:

SIMINS_STD Date Latitude0 Longitude0 Altitude0 Latitude1 Longitude1 Altitude1 Latitude2 Longitude2 Altitude2 Latitude3 Longitude3 Altitude3 Heave0 Surge0 Sway0 Heave1 Surge1 Sway1 Heave2 Surge2 Sway2 Heave3 Surge3 Sway3 Speed north Speed east Speed up Std. dev. north Std. dev. east Std. dev. altitude Covariance XY Std. dev. speed north Std. dev. speed east Std. dev. speed up Heading Roll Pitch Std. dev. heading Std. dev. roll Std. dev. pitch UTC Year UTC Month UTC Day UTC Hour UTC Minute UTC Second Algorithm status 1 Algorithm status 2 Algorithm status 3

SIMINS_MSG Date Level Text

SIMINS_EXT Date Qnb Speed north Speed west Latitude Longitude Acc bias X Acc bias Y Acc bias Z Gyro bias X Gyro bias Y Gyro bias Z Altitude Speed up Lever arm GPS1 X Lever arm GPS1 Y Lever arm GPS1 Z Lever arm GPS2 X Lever arm GPS2 Y Lever arm GPS2 Z Lever arm LOG X Lever arm LOG Y Lever arm LOG Z Qbody_log Scale factor Log Scale factor gyro Z Scale factor gyro X Scale factor gyro Y Scale factor acc Z Scale factor acc X Scale factor acc Y Misalignment gyro XY Misalignment gyro XZ Misalignment gyro YX Misalignment gyro YZ Misalignment gyro ZX Misalignment gyro ZY Misalignment acc XY Misalignment acc XZ Misalignment acc YX Misalignment acc YZ Misalignment acc ZX Misalignment acc ZY Acc lever arm Suspension model - heading Metrology 0 - latitude Metrology 0 - longitude Metrology 0 - altitude Metrology 1 - latitude Metrology 1 - longitude Metrology 1 - altitude Suspension model - pitch Asymetry Gyro X Asymetry Gyro Y Asymetry Gyro Z Asymetry Acc X Asymetry Acc Y Asymetry Acc Z Algorithm satus 1 Algorithm satus 2 Algorithm satus 3 Instant value gyro X Instant value gyro Y Instant value gyro Z Gyro X Gyro Y Gyro Z Acc X Acc Y Acc Z Heave

SIMINS_STA Date Vector size Vector Matrix size Matrix

SIMINS_STD 0.0000000 43.16248189 5.63559613 8.670 43.16248189 5.63496164 2.300 43.16248189 5.63619126 2.300 43.16270691 5.63557645 2.300 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 0.000000 10.000 10.000 10.000 -0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 2.00000 0.10000 0.10000 2000 1 1 8 10 50.460 18 0 0

SIMINS_STD 1.0000000 43.16248189 5.63557645 2.300 43.16248189 5.63494197 -4.070 43.16248189 5.63617159 -4.070 43.16270691 5.63555678 -4.070 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 50.000 50.000 50.000 0.000000 10.000 10.000 10.000 -0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 2.00000 0.10000 0.10000 2000 1 1 8 10 51.460 18 0 0