SW: NaviPac 3.10
How does the runline file look like? Is there a new runline format in NaviPac 4?
You can find the file (HD_RunlineFormats.txt) in the folder C:\EIVA\NaviPac\Runlines.
Yes, in NaviPac4 is a .rlxp that has properties such as color etc.
********Short description of****************************************************
Version: 3.10 Date: 2015/10/05
Regarding: Runline formats in HD.
Author: Brian J.O. Justesen, Eiva a/s
Date Vers Who What
19.09.2002 3.4 jus Created
19.09.2002 3.4 jus New format .rlx added.
21.11.2002 3.4.9 jus Linespace/offset/kp added to .rlx
31-01-2003 3.4.15 jus .poi example added
16-06-2003 3.4.25 jus .rln part revised
04-02-2004 3.4.33 jus .rlx/.rle part revised (support of star runlines)
02-03-2004 3.4.35 jus .rlx part revised (linetype and status described)
18-05-2004 3.4.38 jus .rlx part revised (unitface in header)
14-10-2004 3.4.44 jus .poi part revised - general revision
14-03-2006 3.5.8 jus .rlx part revised (layback distance in header)
Simple runline format: .rln
Row based format.
Optional delimiter: [,],[;],[tab],[space]
Decimal point: always a dot [.]
Comments: [#] (not supported for save, e.g. ignored when loaded and discarded when saved)
Support for:
Straight segments with kp
# Header:[1]"name"
# [1]x, [2]y, [3]kp
500000.00, 6000000.00, -1.0
500000.00, 6001000.00, 0.0
500000.00, 6002000.00, 1.0
{header1:name] [optional]
Name of the runline in quotes
Easting coordinate. Unit: [m]
Northing coordinate. Unit: [m]
{3:kp} [optional]
Kp for coordinate. May be negative and nonlinear (kpfactor not equal to 1.0)
=End RLN========================================================================
Complex runline format: .rlx (default)
Column based format.
Optional delimiter: [,],[;],[tab],[space]
Decimal point: always a dot [.]
Comments: [#] (not supported for save, e.g. ignored when loaded and discarded when saved)
Support for:
Straight and curved segments with kp and survey status (recommended format).
#Header:[1]"name";[2]Runline type;[3]Layback Distance/Linespace/Offset/Kp/Angle offset;[4]"unitface"
#[1]start x; [2]start y; [3]end x; [4]end y;[5]start kp; [6]end kp;[7]radius/arc length;[8]Status;[9]Segment type;
"Area1 Part1"; 64; 0.0; "Meter"
447523.980; 6278437.360; 447506.480; 6278742.360; 0.00000000; 0.30550163; 0.0000; 1; 64; ""
447506.480; 6278742.360; 447446.480; 6278884.860; 0.30550163; 0.46315950; -231.0288; 1; 128; ""
447446.480; 6278884.860; 447390.912; 6278945.750; 0.46315950; 0.54559301; 0.0000; 1; 64; ""
447390.912; 6278945.750; 447411.480; 6278927.360; 0.54559301; 1.37323040; 6.0802; 1; 128; ""
447411.480; 6278927.360; 447230.175; 6279059.006; 1.37323040; 1.59728867; 0.0000; 1; 64; ""
# special case with overlength segment (wave); "Meter"
#[1]start x; [2]start y; [3]end x; [4]end y;[5]start kp; [6]end kp;[7]radius/arc length;[8]Status;[9]Segmenttype;[10]Overlength filename
"overlength"; 64
447523.980; 6278437.360; 447506.480; 6278742.360; 0.00000000; 0.30550163; 0.0000; 1; 64, "Runlines\Filename[W0001].rlx"
Name of the runline, e.g. '+100'
{header2:runline type} [optional]
Type of runline e.g. reference, parallel, cross, etc. Invisible runline if negative.
Is an or'ed value of one or more of the following constants:
LT_REFERENCE = 0x00000001, // center/base/reference
LT_STAR = 0x00000002,
LT_PARALLEL = 0x00000008,
LT_CROSS = 0x00000010,
LT_WAYPOINT = 0x00000020,
LT_STRAIGHT = 0x00000040,
LT_CIRCLEARC = 0x00000080,
LT_WAVE = 0x00000100,
LT_BARGE = 0x00000200,
LT_ANCHOR = 0x00000400,
LT_CLIPPED = 0x00000800,
LT_GREATCIRCLE = 0x00002000,
LT_RHUMBLINE = 0x00004000,
LT_SPLIT = 0x00008000,
{header3:Layback Distance/Linespace/Offset/Kp/Angle offset} [optional]
Most recent Layback distance/Linespace/Angle offset (LT_REFERENCE)
Linespace (LT_REFERENCE)
Layback distance when barge runline (LT_BARGE)
Offset when parallel runline (LT_PARALLEL)
Kp when cross runline (LT_CROSS)
Angle offset when star runline (LT_STAR)
Unit (string) of coordinates. Default: ["Meter"]
"Mile (Nautical Int.)"
"Mile (International)"
"Feet (International)"
"Feet (US Survey)"
"Yard (International)"
{1:start x}
Start easting coordinate. Unit: [m]
{2:start y}
Start northing coordinate. Unit: [m]
{3:end x}
End easting coordinate. Unit: [m]
{4:end y}
End northing coordinate. Unit: [m]
{5:start kp}
Kp for start coordinate. May be negative and nonlinear (kpfactor not equal to 1)
{6:end kp}
Kp for end coordinate. May be negative and nonlinear (kpfactor not equal to 1)
{7:radius/arc length} [optional]
0: Straight segment
>2PI (numerical): Radius for arc/curve segment. Negative: anti cw.
<2PI (numerical): Arc length for arc/curve segment. Negative: anti cw. Special case for arcs > 180 degrees.
{8:status} [optional]
Survey status.
Is an or'ed value of one or more of the following constants:
SS_PASSIVE = 0x00000001,
SS_SURVEYED = 0x00000020,
{9:Segment type} [optional]
Segment type/linetype.
Is an or'ed value of one or more of the following constants:
LT_REFERENCE = 0x00000001, // center/base/reference
LT_STAR = 0x00000002,
LT_PARALLEL = 0x00000008,
LT_CROSS = 0x00000010,
LT_WAYPOINT = 0x00000020,
LT_STRAIGHT = 0x00000040,
LT_CIRCLEARC = 0x00000080, // partial circle
LT_CLIPPED = 0x00000800, // automatically generated
=End RLX========================================================================
Complex runline format: .rle (original, but obsolete runline format)
Column based format.
Optional delimiter: [,],[;],[tab],[space]
Decimal point: always a dot [.]
Comments: [#] (not supported for save, e.g. ignored when loaded and discarded when saved)
Support for:
Straight and curved segments with kp
#[1]start x; [2]start y; [3]end x; [4]end y; [5]center x; [6]center y; [7]start kp; [8]length;[9]bearing/arc; [10]end kp;[11]arc radius; [12];[13];[14];[15];[16];[17];[18];[19];[20];[21];[22]
"Transit line"
447591.480; 6278432.360; 447646.480; 6278747.360; 0.000; 0.000; 0.00000000; 319.76553911; 0.17286061; 0.31976553; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 1.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 1
447646.480; 6278747.360; 447756.480; 6278887.360; 447831.740; 6278715.013; 0.31976553; 185.47046216; -0.98621727; 0.50523599; 188.06247658; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 1.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 0.00000000; 1
HD version 2.0+:
1. Start easting
2. Start northing
3. End easting
4. End northing
5. Arc: Centre easting
6. Arc: Centre northing
7. Start Kp [km]
8. Length [m]
9. Straight: Bearing [rad] (following inversion)
Arc: Arc length, negative if clockwise [rad]
10. End Kp [km]
11. Arc: Radius [m]
12. Crossline: Line spacing [m]
13. Crossline: Length of left side of crossline [m]
14. Crossline: Length of right side of crossline [m]
15. Kp adjust factor
16. Crossline: Kp of (first) crossline [km]
17. Bargeline arc: Barge heading correction [rad]
Star: Angle step (linespace) [rad]
18. Parallel: Number of lines left of centerline
19. Parallel: Number of lines right of centerline
20. Parallel: Line spacing [m]
21. Parallel: Start offset from reference [m]
Star: Start angle offset from reference [rad]
22. Generic flag/variable
HD version -1.5:
1. Start easting
2. Start northing
3. End easting
4. End northing
5. Centre easting
6. Centre northing
7. Start Kp [km]
8. Length [m]
9. Bearing [rad] (following inversion),
Bearing from centre to start of curve (not used in HD)
10. End Kp [km]
11. Radius, negative if clockwise [m] (negative radius ignored in HD)
12. Easting flip/flop centre (not used in HD)
13. Northing flip/flop centre (not used in HD)
14. Short distance for flip/flop (not used in HD)
15. Kp adjust factor
16. Bg flip/flop centre to IP (not used in HD)
17. Half flip/flop angle (not used in HD)
18. Parallel: Number of lines left of centerline
Crossline: Length of crossline (if negative)
19. Parallel: Number of lines right of centerline
Crossline: Number of crosslines (if negative)
20. Spacing between lines [m]
=End RLE========================================================================
Complex runline format: .rl2
Column based format.
Optional delimiter: [,],[;],[tab],[space]
Decimal point: always a dot [.]
Comments: [#] (not supported for save, e.g. ignored when loaded and discarded when saved)
Support for:
Straight and curved segments with kp and survey status
#[1]start x; [2]start y; [3]end x; [4]end y;[5]start kp; [6]end kp;[7]radius
447523.980; 6278437.360; 447506.480; 6278742.360; 0.00000000; 0.30550163; 0.0000;
447506.480; 6278742.360; 447446.480; 6278884.860; 0.30550163; 0.46315950; -231.0288;
447446.480; 6278884.860; 447390.912; 6278945.750; 0.46315950; 0.54559301; 0.0000;
447390.912; 6278945.750; 447411.480; 6278927.360; 0.54559301; 1.37323040; 6.0802;
447411.480; 6278927.360; 447230.175; 6279059.006; 1.37323040; 1.59728867; 0.0000;
{1:start x}
Start easting coordinate. Unit: [m]
{2:start y}
Start northing coordinate. Unit: [m]
{3:end x}
End easting coordinate. Unit: [m]
{4:end y}
End northing coordinate. Unit: [m]
{5:start kp}
Kp for start coordinate. May be negative and nonlinear (kpfactor not equal to 1)
{6:end kp}
Kp for end coordinate. May be negative and nonlinear (kpfactor not equal to 1)
0: Straight segment
>0 (numerical): Radius for arc/curve segment. Negative: anti cw.
=End RL2========================================================================
Runline format: .poi
Row based format.
Delimiter: [space]
Decimal point: always a dot [.]
Comments: [#] (not supported for save, e.g. ignored when loaded and discarded when saved)
Support for:
Straight and curved segments
# Segment type string
# start x start y
# end x end y
# (center x center y)
490410.585 6706828.758
490367.791 6707305.394
CIR NEG <- clockwise circle/arc
490367.791 6707305.394
490427.062 6707671.684
491114.786 6707372.460 <- circle center
490427.062 6707671.684
490475.931 6707784.001
CIR <- counter clockwise circle/arc
490475.931 6707784.001
490538.200 6708086.300
489788.207 6708083.228 <- circle center
=End POI========================================================================
********End of description******************************************************