Q: How do I interface a Reson Multibeam sensor ? How can I setup NaviScan to read 7058 data? How to get normal snippet 7028?


A: We are using the Reson SeaBat 7k Control Center software to simulate data.


Figure 1: Reson SeaBat 7k Control Center software.

You can setup both mbe and sidescans in NaviScan.

  • Go to Equipment tab > Add sensor > Add Sidescan.
  • Set local host and TCP using always port 7000 for all Reson drivers.
  • Do the same for the mbe.


Figure 2: NaviScan Config: Reson Echosounder and Sidescan added.

Figure 3: NaviScan Config: Overview of the setup.


  • Check the Input Monitor for 7058, and green light is shown also.


Figure 4: NaviScan Online