
NaviScan and Nadir Depth
Q. What is the nadir depth output from NaviScan? Beam zero, nadir proper or shortest distance? A. It is the depth below nadir of the selected he...
Thu, 26 Mar, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Setup a BlueView sonar in EIVA NaviScan software
Q: How can I setup the BlueView sonar eg the BlueView M900-2250-130-Mk2 ( in EIVA NaviScan software? A: ...
Wed, 6 Jan, 2021 at 11:28 AM
JSF File Format into EIVA
Q: Does NaviEdit & NaviModel support the *.JSF file format (combined SSS & MBE unit) from the Edgetech Discover software?   A: Our software does n...
Tue, 3 Mar, 2020 at 3:41 PM
Interfacing Reson echosounder and sidescans in NaviScan.
Q: How do I interface a Reson Multibeam sensor ? How can I setup NaviScan to read 7058 data? How to get normal snippet 7028?   A: We are using the Reson S...
Mon, 16 Mar, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Details on the SoundVelProfVerification
Where does the value for SoundVelProfVerification come from? What function is used?  How can the value be interpreted?    The SoundVelProVerification is ...
Tue, 19 May, 2020 at 12:19 PM
R2Sonic UHD mode with NaviScan
In normal mode,  NaviScan receives the data from the echo sounder head directly. In UHD mode/format, Naviscan receives the data from the SIM module. In thi...
Mon, 29 Jul, 2024 at 9:37 AM
What diameter does the pipe tracker use?
Q. Is one pipe tracker object in the NaviScan config (which encompasses all 3 coils)? Or do we need 3 x objects in the config (1 per coil)? A.  One pipe...
Fri, 14 Aug, 2020 at 11:32 AM
How to configure a POSMV in NaviScan
Q: How should POSMV data be interfaced in NaviScan? A: Naviscan can interface to the Applanix POSMV "Ethernet realtime" instruments directly, ...
Fri, 9 Oct, 2020 at 11:05 AM
Imagenex Sonar setup in NaviScan
Q: How to set up the Imagenex Sonar in NaviScan? A. Please read first Imagenex documentation: DeltaT Ethernet Setup Guide.pdf  (https://confluence.qps.n...
Tue, 20 Oct, 2020 at 3:45 PM
OUSTER OS1 LIDAR in NaviScan (FW version)
Q: I have bough OUSTER OS1 LIDAR with newest FW installed and I want data from Lidar shown in NaviScan. A: To use OUSTER OS1 LIDAR in NaviScan you will ...
Fri, 30 Aug, 2024 at 12:00 PM